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Electronic Products
Some of the products available are –
Programmed NEC Decoder Chip
This simple IC decodes IR key press’s of remote controls running on NEC(Sony, Hitachi) encoders and provides output in both serial(9600Bps) for microcontroller/PC interface and also toggles the port pins for relay driving option .
200 Rs.120
Programmed RC5 Decoder Chip
This simple IC decodes IR key press’s of remote controls running on RC5(Phillips) encoders and provides output in both serial(9600Bps) for microcontroller/PC interface and also toggles the port pins for relay driving option .
200 Rs.120
Custom IR receiver chip
We can develop custom IR receiver for your own circuits/product. All you need to send us the remote control which you need to decode. However there are lots of remote available in market so we cannot guarantee that w will decode them all. The decoded out put will be available in both serial (9600Bps) and 8 bit parallel form.
200 Rs.120
Programmed RF land rover control chip
You can use this IC to control you robotic landrover speed and direction. It has six inputs two for robot speed control and four for its direction control. You need to use motor driver IC’s like L293D with our chip for controlling robot motors. For wireless robot control just use RF modules with Holtek codecs.
250 Rs.150
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